Whilst #coronavirus is still very much around our daily lives, COVID #immigration concessions are swiftly ending.
#UKVI has now issued (what I believe will be the last of the COVID visa concession today.
Individuals who are in the UK and have visas expiring ( or expired) between 24 January and 31 July 2020 will have 1 final extension to 31 August 2020.
Visa holders (or expired visa holders) will continue to have the same conditions attached to their stay.
This is an automatic extension, and affected individuals will not need to contact the Home Office. Only individuals intending to switch their visa will need to apply through the usual channels.
If an individual intends to leave the UK but cannot do so by 31 August, the UKVI may grant additional time known as "exceptional indemnity". Such grant will be considered on a case by case basis, and individuals will need to contact the coronavirus immigration team.
Do note that such 'indemnity' will not be construed as permission to stay, but only short-term protection against adverse action or consequence after one's leave expires.
Shores & Legal are experienced and expert immigration partners for your business and personal immigration requirements. If you wish to discuss your UK immigration requirements, contact us at +44 (0) 207 097 6778 or info@shoreslegal.com.