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'Tis The Season - how can an we help?


As the festive period is fast approaching, the team at Shores & Legal (#shoreslegal) cannot wait to enjoy a short break and spend time with our family (or the other family, as we say). Momentarily, we can all park the troubles we have faced for the past several months.

However, for many, there is no such break at all. In London alone, over 1.5 million adults struggle to afford to each daily, and hundreds of thousands of children are at risk of missing the next meal. As one of the most prosperous cities globally, such numbers are totally unacceptable.

At Shores & Legal, we believe we can all play our part in helping those around us.

This year, we are renewing our support to The Felix Project (#HelpFelixFeedLondon).

The Felix Project is an amazing charity that collects good, surplus food from the food industry and delivers the food to the much-needed charities and food banks for redistribution. The Flex Project also run their kitchen (The Felix Kitchen) to help prepare meals for delivery.

For every £10 donated, the Felix Project can deliver enough food equivalent to 61 meals for those in need. 84p in every £1 the Felix Project spend goes to rescuing and providing food for Londoners in need.

For our support this year, Shores & Legal has contributed to allowing the Felix Project to collect and deliver enough food for an equivalent of around 20,000+ meals.

We hope our small donation will help those around us, and we hope to continue to support The Felix Project and other charities in making our community a better place.

For more information about the Felix Project or to support them, visit their website at

During this festive period, our offices are shut from 24 December 2021 to 4 January 2022. We wish everyone a peaceful and safe festive holiday.

Shores & Legal are experienced and expert immigration partners for your business and personal immigration requirements. We help companies identify their immigration compliance gaps and help enterprises set up and operate an effective immigration compliance programme. If you wish to discuss your UK immigration requirements, contact us at +44 (0) 207 097 6778 or

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